Robin Williams: should Hollywood do more to help stars in dark places ?Variety. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there were 39,518 suicides in the United States in the year 2011 alone. Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. GBD 2013 Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators. In the year 1990, 712,000 deaths were reported to be suicides, while by 2013 this number had jumped to 842,000. The most commonly used methods of suicide include hanging, pesticide poisoning, and firearms. Chronic suicidality among patients with borderline personality disorder. Suicídio adição ideação suicida demência corpos de Lewy suicídio por adiçãoīy definition, "The act of deliberately taking one's own life or causing one's own death" is referred to as "suicide." Various causes of suicide have been studied, including mental disorders like depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder 1 1. Infelizmente, o ator Robin Williams estava exposto a quatro fatores de risco chaves simultaneamente, colocando-o sob um alto risco de cometer suicídio, o que eventualmente culminou com sua trágica morte. Comentários:Īs chances de cometer suicídio aumentam drasticamente na presença de qualquer fator de risco chaves.

Todos esses fatores levaram ao seu suicídio. Robin Williams vinha sofrendo com problemas de relacionamento, problemas financeiros, abuso de drogas e depressão severa. Do final de 2015 para cá, nenhum outro estudo de caso parece ter abordado ou explorado as associações entre a causa (ou as causas) e os eventos que levaram ao suicídio do ator Robin Williams.

Neste estudo de caso, vou discorrer sobre o suicídio do ator e sobre os principais fatores de risco, além da depressão, que levaram à sua morte trágica. Williams vinha sofrendo de depressão severa, a qual, acredita-se, foi o fator que mais contribuiu para seu suicídio. Desde o início, os noticiários indicavam que sua morte provavelmente resultara de suicídio, e isso foi confirmado posteriormente nos relatórios da autópsia. O ator Robin Williams, comediante reconhecido internacionalmente e quatro vezes indicado ao Oscar, faleceu no dia 11 de agosto de 2014.

Suicide addiction suicidal ideation dementia Lewy body addiction suicide

Unfortunately, the actor Robin Williams was dealing with four of the major risk factors all together, which put him at a high risk of committing suicide and eventually led to his tragic death. The chances of committing suicide drastically increase in the presence of any of the key risk factors. Robin Williams was suffering from relationship problems, financial problems, drug addiction, and major depression. As of the end of 2015, no other case study seemed to have addressed or explored the links between the cause (or causes) and events leading to Robin Williams' suicide. In this case study, I will highlight the event of the actor's suicide and the main risk factors along with depression leading to his tragic death. Williams had been suffering from severe depression, which is believed to be the leading contributor to his suicide. From the outset, the news indicated that his death was believed to be a suicide and this was later confirmed to be true by the autopsy reports. The world renowned comedian and four-time Oscar nominated actor Robin Williams died on August 11, 2014.